24.05 | Plattform KcSyd participates in the conference “Museum Why? Practice, Agency and Knowledge in the Art Museum” in Copenhagen
24.05 | Plattform KcSyd participates in the conference “Museum Why? Practice, Agency and Knowledge in the Art Museum” in Copenhagen

24.05 | Plattform KcSyd deltar i konferensen “Museum Why? Practice, Agency and Knowledge in the Art Museum” i Köpenhamn

Plattform KcSyd har bjudits in att presentera projektet Konsthändelser i Törnrosen på konferensen “Museum Why? Practice, Agency and Knowledge in the Art Museum” på Köpenhamns universitet, 22-24 maj 2024. Under konferensen representeras Plattform KcSyd av Jamila Drott and Sophia Persson. Läs mer om presentationen (på engelska) nedan.

The Sculptures and Barbecues of Törnrosen – Methods for Maintenance in a Building-related Public Art Collection
Practitioners’ presentation by Plattform KcSyd

In the residential area of Törnrosen in Malmö each entrance features an artwork and the communal areas are designed for children's play and movement. Törnrosen was the first area built in Rosengård in the 1960s. At the time, art, culture, and shared outdoor spaces were central qualities to urban planning. With art already integrated in the planning stage, the building-related art collection in Törnrosen is a unique reflection of the ideas and ideals of its time.

Today, many of the public artworks in Törnrosen are in decay and in need of restoration. They serve as an example of how artworks with cultural-historical value have been neglected due to shifting land/property ownership and lack of maintenance plans. The doctoral thesis "The Art of Management: Challenges and Opportunities in Conservation – Values and Decision-making in 20th Century Sweden Concerning Building-Related Art in Public Places" (2021) by Conservator Karin Hermerén emphasized that building-related artworks are not visible enough within the fields of art history, architecture, or antiquarianism, and therefore at risk of being overlooked – both as artworks and as cultural heritage.

Konsthändelser i Törnrosen (2022) consisted of artworks by Ingrid Furre and Cia Kanthi, commissioned by Plattform KcSyd. The project allows us to reflect on how contemporary art can contribute to the field of cultural heritage and how we, through artistic interventions and methodologies, can rethink knowledge production as well as the fields of preservation, archive, and collection, in art museums and public spaces of the future.

Plattform KcSyd is an initiative founded by members of Konstnärscentrum Syd. Plattform KcSyd is an artistic and curatorial platform, working to highlight, challenge and promote artistic work within societal development and public spaces.